Save our Skins

Save our Skins!  Archaeological Leather – Research and Conservation
A Meeting of the ICON Archaeology Group and the Archaeological Leather Group held on 27 June 2023

Session 1, featuring:

Skin City – London’s medieval leather trades
Jackie Keily

The art of choosing or changing –  species selection for leather production in Vendel Period and Viking Age Scandinavia
Stella Carlson

Investigating ancient Egyptian leather ‘mummy braces’, tabs and pendants – animal provenance and production processes
Lucy Skinner

Session 2, featuring:

Conservation and scientific analysis of paint remains on leather recovered from a Barracuda aircraft wreck
Angela Middleton, Diana Davis

Do no harm:  detecting damage to DNA in skin caused by conservation treatments
Lu Allington-Jones, Ranbir Bailey

Session 3, featuring:

Logging the Backlog – the start of a large conservation project of a collection of archaeological Roman leather in the Netherlands
Eliza Jacobi

Fixing past problems: securing the future of ancient leather
Rosa Fitt-Conway, Elsa Price (Tullie House Museum, Carlisle)

Don’t sweat the small stuff: a review of recent remedial techniques on mammal taxidermy at the Natural History Museum, London
Efstratia Verveniotou,  Arianna Bernucci et al.

Conserving a Leather Book Cover from the Gloucester Shipwreck, 1682
Scarlett Crow, York Archaeology

Leather-covered Scabbards and Sword Hilts from the Citadel of Damascus
David Nicolle

These last 3 can be found together here:

Session 4, featuring:

Re-treatment of archaeological leather from the Roman fort of Trimontium
Lydia Messerschmidt, National Museums Scotland

Reconstruction of the leather shoes of the Civil War submarine, H.L. Hunley
Melissa Allen, Johanna Rivera-Diaz and Nicholas DeLong