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Hickling, L.2004‘The Saddle of Henry V at Westminster Abbey’, in L.Gilmour (ed) In the Saddle. An exploration of the saddle through history, London, 39-41
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Keily, J.2007‘Medieval Accessioned Finds and Leather’ in J Lyon Within these walls: Roman and Medieval defences north of Newgate at the Merrill Lynch Financial Centre, City of London, MoLAS Monograph 33, 82-107 and 169-175
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MOENS J., BELLENS T. & MINSAER K.2015‘Afval van schoenlappers/oudeschoenmakers uit een drinkpoel op de Antwerpse Kiliaansite’, Relicta 12, 219-265. (Evidence for late medieval shoemaking from a drinking pool at the Antwerp Kiliannsite – with many illustrations) available online at:
Moens J., Klinkenborg S., De Maeyer W., Clement C. & Cherreté B.2011Afval van schoenlappers/oud-schoenmakers en versleten schoeisel uit Ninove (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen)', Relicta 7, 101-120. Available online:
Moens J., Troubleyn L. and Kinnaer F.2015‘Het afval van schoenlappers/ oudeschoenmakers uit de site Ganzendries te Mechelen’, Relicta 13, 157-200. [Shoemaking, cobbling and other leather waste (belts, scabbard) from excavations in the city of Mechelen, Belgium, c.1250-1350] available online at:
Moens, J.2013‘Korenmarkt: leervondsten uit archeologisch onderzoek’, Archeologisch onderzoek in Gent 2012 (Stadsarcheologie, Bodem en monument in Gent), Series 2, no. 6, 50-92. [Medieval leather finds from the Cornmarket, Ghent] available online (but you need to scroll down through the pdf to find the article) :
Moens, J.2018Leer' in De Groote, K. and Moens, J. 'Archeologie en geschiedenis van een middeleeuwse woonwijk onder de Hopmarkt te Aalst' [Archaeology and history of a medieval residential area under the Hopmarkt in Aalst (Belgium)], Relicta Monografieën 16, Brussels, 259-284. Leather finds include 14th–15th century footwear and a complete 3-fingered glove. Available online:
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Mould, Q.1997bLeatherwork' in Hurst, J.D. (ed) A Multi-Period Salt Production Site at Droitwich: Excavations at Upwich, CBA Research Report 107, 126-133. Multi-period shoes, principally cobbling debris of medieval and post-medieval date.
Mould, Q.2002The leather artefacts' in Baker, N. J. (ed) Shrewsbury Abbey, studies in the archaeology and history of an urban abbey, Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society Monograph, 1 Medieval assemblage
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Mould, Q.1994bThe leather' in McAvoy, F. 'Marine salt extraction: the excavation of salterns at Wainfleet St Mary, Lincolnshire', Med. Arch. 38, 152-8. Medieval shoes dating to end of 15th C.
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Volken, S. and M. with Wild, W.2003‘Lederfunde des 13. Jahrhunderts aus dem Winterthurer Stadtbach’, Archäologie im Kanton Zürich 1999-2000 (Berichte der Kantonsarchäologie 16), Zürich, 241-262, Tafeln 3-12.
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Waddington, Q.1927Viking Sheath of Leather', Antiquaries Journal 7, 526 and plate opposite
Walton, P.1990Textiles, Cordage and Raw Fibre from 16-22 Coppergate, Council for British Archæology, for the York Archæological Trust.
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Willemsen, A.2008Back to the Schoolyard: The Daily Practice of Medieval and Renaissance Education, Turnhout, Brepols Describes objects made of leather used by pupils, such as inkwells, writing cases, school bags, shoes and belts.
Willemsen, A.2012‘“Man is a sack of muck girded with silver”: Metal Decoration on Late-medieval Leather Belts and Purses from the Netherlands’, Medieval Archaeology 56, 171-202 [awarded the Martyn Jope Prize 2012]. Available to read online:
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