name | year | article / publication |
Mould, Q. | 2002 | ‘Leather’ in Evans, C. and Knight, M. 2002) ‘A Great Circle, Investigations at Arbury Camp, Cambridge’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society XC1, 23-53 (42-3) |
Gräf, J. | 2009 | Die Schwertgurte aus dem Thorsberger Moor' [Sword belts from the Thorsberg peat bog] in A.W. Busch ed.), Waffen in Aktion (ROMEC XVI): Proceedings of the 16th International Roman Military Equipment Conference, Xanten 2007, Xantener Berichte 16, Mainz, 115-120 |
Wills, B. and Mould, Q. | 2008 | ‘Iron Age Puff Balls’ in Evans, C. & Knight, M. 2008) ‘Further investigations at Arbury Camp, Cambridgeshire: The Eastern Entrance’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society XCVII, 17-19 |
Pinhasi R., Gasparian B., Areshian G., Zardaryan D., Smith A., et al. | 2010 | First Direct Evidence of Chalcolithic Footwear from the Near Eastern Highlands' PLoS ONE 56) - available online at: [discusses the chronology, archaeological context and footwear history aspects of a shoe recovered from a Chalcolithic pit in Armenia in 2008] |
Klek, M. | 2007 | Leder Felle und Pelze: eine praktische Anleitung zur uralten Kunst der Hirngerbung Braintanning manual 76pp, ISBN 978-3-8334-7894-9 available at http://www.bod/de) |
Gräf, J. | 2015 | Die Lederfunde aus dem Thorsberger Moor' in C. von Carnap-Bornheim ed.), Das Thorsberger Moor Band 4: Fund- und Forschungsgeschichte, naturwissenschaftliche und materialkundliche Untersuchungen, Schleswig, 231-345 [important Roman Iron Age and later Germanic leather finds from the Thorsberg peat bog in Schleswig-Holstein] |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. | 1990 | De kledingstukken van leder en bont.' In: W.A.E. van der Sanden ed.), Mens en moeras. Veenlijken in Nederland van de bronstijd to en met de Romeinse tijd, Assen, 174-180 |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. and Goedecker-Ciolek, R. | 1992 | The equipment made of hide and leather'. In: F. Höpfel; W. Platzer and K. Spindler eds.), Der Mann im Eis Bd. 1, Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187, 410-418 |
Wills, B. | 2002 | ‘Windows into ancient Nubian leatherwork’ in Audoin-Rouzeau, F. and Beyries, S. eds) Le Travail du Cuir de la Préhistoire à nos Jours, XXIIe rencontres internationales d’archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes, Antibes, Éditions APDCA, 41-64 |
Reisner, G. A. | 1923 | , Excavations at Kerma Harvard African Studies VI) parts IV-V, Cambridge, Mass., 19, 303-311 |
Schlabow, K. | 1961a | Der Moorleichenfund von Peiting Kreis Schongau in Oberbayern, Veröffentlichungen des Fördervereins Textilmuseum Neumünster Neumünster |
Klek, M. | 2008 | Native American Buffalo Robes: a study of their role in Plains Indian societies and a guide to traditional tanning techniques; 152pp, ISBN 978-3-8334-8926-6 available at |
Engelhardt,C. | 1866 | Denmark in the Early Iron Age, London, 40-41, 75; pl. 2 & 3 |
Mackay, J.G. | 1893-4 | Notes on a pair of Pampooties from Aran More' Proceedings of Antiquaries of Scotland XXVIII, 32d series, 136-141 |
Carmichael, A. | 1893-4 | On Cuarans used in the Highlands of Scotland', Proceedings of Antiquaries of Scotland XXVIII, 3rd series, 136-141 |
Hahne, H. | 1915 | Vorzeitfunde aus Nidersachsen im Auftrage des Provinzial Museums zu Hannover herausgegeben, Hanover |
Broholm, H.C. | 1938 | Jels fundet, en sønderjysk Mandsgrav fra den aeldre Bronzealder', Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, 1-20 |
Broholm, H. C. and Hald, M. | 1939 | Skrydstrup funded, en sønderjysk Kvindegrav fra den aeldre Brongealder', Nordiske Fortidsminder 3, 2, København |
Waterbolk, H. T. | 1954 | De praehistorische mens en zijn milieu, Assen. |
Marschalleck, K. H. | 1957 | Zwei Opferfunds aus ostfriesischen Mooren'. Die kunde N.F. 8, 249-27 |
Schlabow, K. | 1961b | Trachten der Eisenzeit, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Schleswig-Holstein 5, pp 25, 31-33 |
Coles, J. | 1962 | European Bronze-Age shields', Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 28, 156-190 |
Coles, J; Coutts, H. and Ryder, M. L. | 1964 | A Late Bronze Age find from Pyotdykes, Angus, Scotland, with associated gold, cloth, leather and wood remains', Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 30, 186-198 |
Forbes, R.J. | 1966 | Studies in Ancient Technology V, Leiden |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. | 1970 | Pre- en protohistorisch schoeisel uit Drenthe.' Nieuwe Drentse Volksalmanak 88, 241-262 |
Hald, M. | 1972 | Primitive Shoes, National Museum, Archaeological-Historical series 1, XIII, Copenhagen |
Armaganyan, A.S. | 1976 | Footwear of Ancient Armenia' in Kozhovenna-Obuvnaya Promyshlennost 12, 51-54 |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. | 1980 | Die Stellung der Lübecker Lederfunde im Rahmen der Entwicklung der Mittelalterlichen Schuhmode'. Lübecker Schriften zur Archaologie und Kulturgeschichte, Bonn, 169-174 |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. and Smith, A. F. | 1984 | Een schoen uit de Late Bronstijd.' Nieuwe Drentse volksalmanak 104, 133-142 |
Ryder, M. | 1984 | ‘Skin, hair and cloth remains from the Ancient Kerma civilisation of Northern Sudan’, Journal of Archaeological Science 11, 477-484 |
Schia, E. | 1985-6 | Norges eldste sko', Viking 50, 59-69 |
Ryder, M. | 1987 | ‘Sheepskin from Ancient Kerma, Nothern Sudan’, Oxford Journal of Archaeology vol. 6 issue 3, 369-380 |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. | 1988 | Een prehistorische schoen uit Klazienaveen.' Nieuwe Drentse Volksalmanak 106, 146-150 |
Coles, B. and J. | 1989 | People of the Wetlands: Bogs, Bodies and Lake-Dwellers, London |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. | 1992 | Analyses of hides and skins from the Hauslabjoch.' Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 39, 114-128 |
Spindler, K. | 1994 | The Man in the Ice, London. Bronze Age man in alpine glacier: clothing and equipment |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. | 1995 | Pollenanalyse als Indikator für das Gerbeverfahren bei den Tierfellen des Mannes vom Tisenjoch.' In: K. Spindler et al., Der Mann im Eis. Neue Funde und Ergebnisse. Springer Verlag, 67-70 |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W; Kilian, M. and London, H. van | 1999 | The curing of hides and skins in European prehistory', Antiquity 73, 884-890 |
Groenman-van Waatering, W. | 2001 | Prehistoric Footwear' in Goubitz , O., Groenman-van Waateringe, W. and Driel-Murray, C. van, Stepping Through Time: Archaeological Footwear from Prehistoric Times until 1800, Stichting Promotie Archeologie, Zwolle, 379-396 |
Harris, S. | 2006 | ‘A report on the examination of animal skin artefacts from the Bronze Age salt mines of Hallstatt, Austria’, Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 17, 69-76 |
Mould, Q. | 2007 | ‘The leather’. In Brady, K., Smith, A. and Laws, G. ‘Excavations at Abingdon West Central Redevelopment: Iron Age, Roman, Medieval, and Post-medieval Activity in Abingdon’, Oxoniensia 72, 107-202 |
Püntener, A. G. and Moss, S. | 2010 | Ötzi, the Iceman and his Leather Clothes', CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, vol. 64, no. 5, 315-320 [considers specifically how the Iceman's fur and leather clothing and shoes could have been tanned] |
Gräf, J. | 2011 | Der Fellumhang der Kayhauser Moorleiche - chronologische und kulturelle Einordnung' [chronological and cultural context of the fur cape worn by the Kayhauser bog body] in F. Both and M. Fansa, Faszination Moorleichen: 220 Jahre Moorarchäologie, Schriftenreihe des Landesmuseums Natur und Mensch 80, Oldenburg, 55-66 |
Gräf, J. | 2015 | Lederfunde der Vorrömischen Eisenzeit und römischen Kaiserzeit aus Nordwestdeutschland [Leather finds of the Pre-Roman Iron Age and Roman Imperial Period from north-west Germany], Studien zur Landschafts- und Siedlungsgeschichte im südlichen Nordseegebiet 7, Rahden/Westfalen |
Cameron, E. and Mould Q. | 2016 | ‘The animal pelt’ in A.M. Jones, Preserved in the Peat. An extraordinary Bronze Age burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its wider context, Oxford, Oxbow 64-68 |
Cameron, E., Harris, S. and Mould Q. | 2016 | ‘The textile and animal-skin object’ in A.M. Jones, Preserved in the Peat. An extraordinary Bronze Age burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its wider context, Oxford, Oxbow 148-156 |
Audoin-Rouzeau, F. and Beyries, S. (eds) | 2002 | Le Travail du Cuir de la Préhistoire à nos Jours, XXIIe rencontres internationales d’archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes, Antibes, Éditions APDCA |
Frink, L and Weedman, K. (eds) | 2006 | Gender and Hide Production, Rowman Altamira. Explores the gendered nature of hide production amongst hunter-gatherers using ethnoarchaeological and archaeological examples from North America |