Name | Year | Article / Publication |
Ambrose, T. | 1974 | Roman Leather Shoes' in Tatton-Brown, T. 'Excavations at the Custom House Site, City of London, 1973', Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archæological Society 25, 188-9(ed.) Theoretical Roman archaeology: second conference proceedings, Aldershot: Avebury, 3-21 (sexing shoes from Roman contexts) |
Ambrose, T. | 1975 | Finds of Leather' in Cunliffe, B., 'Excavations at Portchester Castle', 1, Society of Antiquaries Research Report 32, 247-262 |
Behrens, G. | 1954 | Verschwundene Mainzer Romerbauten' Mainzer Zeitscrift 48/49, 79-80 |
Birley, R. | 1973 | Vindolanda (eds) The Roman Small Finds. Report on the Excavations at Usk 1965-1976, Cardiff, 34-5, 114-121 |
Birley, R. | 1973 | Discoveries at Vindolanda, Northern History Booklets, Frank Graham, Newcastle. |
Birley, R. | 1977 | Vindolanda: a Roman Frontier Post on Hadrian's Wall, London |
Brønsted, J. | 1960 | Danmarks Oldtid 3, København, Jernalderen. |
Bruin, J. de | 2018 | The shoe is on the other foot? The introduction of footwear as an example for changes in the rural community of the Cananefates' in Ivleva, T. et al. 2018, 153-157. |
Busch, A. L. | 1965 | Die Römerzeitlichen Schuh- und Lederfunde der Kastelle Saalburg, Zugmantel und Kleiner Feldberg', Saalburg Jahrbuch 22, 158-210(bulletin of the Ermine Street Guard) 2.1, 1-6 |
Clark, G. | 1979 | Hobnails and Footwear', Pre-Roman and Roman Winchester II, The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills, Oxford, 322-325 |
Curle, J. | 1911 | Newstead, a Roman Frontier Post and its People, The Fort of Newstead in the Parish of Melrose, Glasgow |
Daremberg and Saglio, | 1877-1919 | Dictionnaire des Antiquites Grecques et Romaines, Paris |
Dieck, A. | 1965 | Die Europäischen Moorleichen Funde (bulletin of the Ermine Street Guard) 2.2, 7-11 |
Douglas, Charlotte R. | 2015 | A comparative study of Roman-period leather from northern Britain, MPhil |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1989a | The Vindolanda chamfrons and miscellaneous items of leather horse gear', in C. van Driel-Murray (ed.), Transformations in North-Western Europe (AD 300-1000), Proceedings of the 60th Sachsensymposion, 19-23 September 2009, Maastricht. Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung 3, Stuttgart, 37-46 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2006a | ‘Een spookrijder in het veen’ in J.H. Pouls and H.J.G. Crompvoets (Roman shoes); 244-317 (sheet leather objects); 318-328 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1977a | Leatherwork' in J. K. Haalebos, Zwammerdam Nigrum Pullum, Cingula 3, Amsterdam, 249-281(dir.) Le travail du cuir de la préhistoire à nos jours (XXIIe rencontres internationales d’archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes), Antibes, 251-265 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1999c | Die römischen Lederfunde' in Driel-Murray, C. van and Hartmann, H. H. Zum Ostkastell von Welzheim, Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg 42, Stuttgart, 11-114(2000) Roman and Medieval Carlisle: The Southern Lanes. Excavations 1981-2, Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, Research Report 1 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1999a | Roman leather bikinis', Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 9, 7-9(Bulletin of the Ermine Street Guard) Vol.2, No.10, 183-186 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1993 | The Leatherwork' in R. Birley (ed.) Agriculture and Industry in South-Eastern Roman Britain, Oxford, Oxbow 236-254 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1985 | The production and supply of military leatherwork in the first and second centuries AD: a review of the archaeological evidence' in M.C. Bishop (ed) Rothwell Haigh, Rothwell, Leeds, West Yorkshire: Excavation Report, Leeds, West Yorkshire Archaeology Advisory Service report 2170, 47-54. This report is available online at: |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1980 | Romeinse leervondsten uit Vechten'. Westerheem 29, 349-356(ed) Shiptonthorpe, East Yorkshire: archaeological studies of a Romano-British roadside settlement, Yorkshire Archaeological Reports 5, Leeds, 240-244 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1987b | , 'Een romeinse schoenmaker aan de Houtmaas, Maastricht', De Maasgouw 106, 21-28(eds.), Aktuelle Forschungen zu Kriegsbeuteopfern und Fürstengräbern im Barbaricum: Konferenz Schleswig 2006 [Current research on the spoils of war victims and princely graves in Barbaricum: Schleswig Conference 2006], Schriften des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Ergänzungsreihe 4, Neumünster, 215-229 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1977b | Stamped leatherwork from Zwammerdam' in B.L. van Beek Ex Horreo, Cingula 2, Amsterdam, 151-164(Netherlands)' Bonner Jahrbücher, 200, 2000, 293-308 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1986a | Leatherwork in the Roman army, Part I', Exercitus |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1986b | Leatherwork in the Roman army, Part II: clothing and footwear', Exercitus |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1986c | Shoes in Perspective' in Unz, C. |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1987a | Roman footwear: a mirror of fashion and society'. in D.E. Friendship-Taylor; J. M. Swann and S. Thomas |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1988 | A fragmentary shield cover from Caerleon' in J.C. Coulston |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1989c | Roman footwear from wells at Waiblingen and Walheim', Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg 14, 339-349 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1990a | The Roman army tent', Exercitus 2.8, 137-144 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1990b | New light on old tents', Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 1, 109-138 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1991 | A roman tent: Vindolanda tent I' in V. A. Maxfield and M. J. Dobson |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1994 | Römischer Schuhfund in Welzheim', Jahresheft der Historischer Verein welzheimer Wald 10, 44-53 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1995a | Military leatherwork and footwear' in W.H. Manning; J. Price and J. Webster |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1995b | , ‘Gender in question’ in P. Rush |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1998a | The leatherwork from the fort' in H.E.M. Cool and C. Philo |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1998b | A Question of Gender in a Military Context', Helinium 34, 342-362 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1998c | Women in forts?', Jahresbericht Gesellschaft ProVindonissa 1997, Brugg, Vindonissa Museum, 55-61 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1998d | Die Schuhe aus Schiff 1 und ein lederner Schildüberzug' in Haalebos, J. K. 'Ein Römisches getreideschiff in Woerden', Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz 43, 493-498, Abb. 11-13d |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1999b | And did those feet in ancient time...Feet and shoes as a material projection of the self', in Baker, P; Forcey, C; Jundi, S. and Witcher, R. |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2001 | Footwear in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire' in Goubitz, O., Groenman-van Waateringe, W. and Driel-Murray, C. van Stepping Through Time: Archaeological Footwear from Prehistoric Times until 1800, Stichting Promotie Archeologie, Zwolle, 337-376 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2002 | ‘Ancient skin processing and the impact of Rome on tanning technology’ in F. Audouin-Rouzeau and S. Beyres |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2004a | A late Roman assemblage from Deurne |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2004b | Roman footwear' in N. Nayling & S. McGrail |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2004c | Leer' in M. Polak, R.P.J. Kloosterman & R.A.J. Niemeijer |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2004d | ‘Roman leather finds’ in M.C. Bishop Gate: Excavations in the Roman civil settlement at Inveresk, East Lothian,1996-2000, Edinburgh, Scottish Trust for Archaeological Research, 159-163 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2005a | ‘Tiny tots: Roman baptismal shoes?’, Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 22, 3-5 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2005b | ‘The Leather’ in M.C. Bishop ‘A new Flavian Military Site at Roecliffe, North Yorkshire’, Britannia 36, 195-199 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2005c | ‘Nieuwe schoenen uit een oude put: ledervondsten uit Wijster’, Nieuwe Drentse Volksalmanak 122, 140-151 |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 2006b | ‘Leather: the Roman footwear’ in M. Millett |
Driel-Murray, C. van | 1989b | A circular shield cover and the reconstruction of the accompanying shield', Exercitus 2.7, 132-134(ed.), Das Thorsberger Moor Band 4: Fund- und Forschungsgeschichte, naturwissenschaftliche und materialkundliche Untersuchungen, Schleswig, 231-345 [important Roman Iron Age and later Germanic leather finds from the Thorsberg peat bog in Schleswig-Holstein] |
Driel-Murray, C. van and Connolly, P. | 1991 | The Roman cavalry saddle', Britannia 22, 33-50(2018) Embracing the Provinces: Society and Material Culture of the Roman Frontier Regions, Essays in Honour of Dr. Carol van Driel-Murray, Oxford, Oxbow. |
Driel-Murray, C. van and Gechter, M. | 1983 | Funde aus der Fabrica der Legio I Minervia am Bonner Berg', Rheinische Ausgrabungen 23, 1-83(West-Vlaanderen): tafonomie, chronologie en interpretatie’, Relicta. Archeologie, Monumenten- en Landschapsonderzoek in Vlaanderen 5, 100-101 (overview of later Roman finds from a well) |
Driel-Murray, C. van, | 2011 | ‘Leather and footwear’in J. Richardson (1994-2000)’, PalArch Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 1, 1 [online journal - the report can be obtained free from using the order code egt-2001-1-1] 36 page report on 1st century AD leather objects, mainly fragments of water bags and footwear |
Driel-Murray, C. van, | 2011 | ‘Leather from the Roman wells in the vicus of Rainau-Buch’ in B.A. Greiner Rainau-Buch II. Der römische Kastellvicus von Rainau-Buch (Netherlands Institute for the Near East) |
Driel-Murray, C. van, | 2007 | ‘Leer: De schoenen van de Schipper’ in E. Jansma & J.-M.A.W. Morel |
Driel-Murray, C. van, | 2007 | ‘Mode in de nadagen van het Keizerrijk: de schoenen van Cuijk’, Westerheem 56, 133-141 |
Driel-Murray, C. van, | 2009a | ‘Leer vondsten Leiden Roomburg 1995-1997’ in M. Polak & T. de Groot |
Driel-Murray, C. van, | 2009b | ‘Leerresten uit Geldermalsen-Hondsgemet: voddenhandel?’ in J. van Renswoude & J. van Kerckhove |
Driel-Murray, C. van, | 2009c | ‘Leervondsten’ in Vanhoutte S., et al. ‘De dubbele waterput uit het laat-Romeinse castellum van Oudenburg |
Driel-Murray, C. van, | 2009d | ‘Roman leather’ In S.S. Frere & R.L. Fitts Excavations at Bowes and Lease Rigg Roman Forts, Yorkshire Archaeological Reports 6, 163-4 |
Driel-Murray, C. van, | 2011 | ‘Are we missing something? The elusive tanneries of the Roman period’ in R. Thomson & Q. Mould |
Driel-Murray, C. van, Connolly, P. and Duckham, J. | 2004 | Roman saddles: archaeology and experiment 20 years on' in L.Gilmour (ed) Leather and Fur: Aspects of Early Medieval Trade and Technology, London, 57-64 |
Es, W. A. van | 1967 | Wijster, a Native Village Beyond the Imperial Frontier, 150-425A.D.' Palaeohistoria 11, Groningen(eds). Recent Research in Archaeological Footwear, Association of Archaeological Illustrators and Surveyors Technical Paper no. 8, 32-42 |
Forbes, R. J. | 1966 | Studies in Ancient Technology 5, Leiden, 1-79, 53-57(ed) Studien zu den Militärgrenzen Roms III, Stuttgart, 139-145 |
Friendship-Taylor, D. | 1996 | Leather artifacts' in May, J. Dragonby: Report on Excavations at an Iron Age and Romano-British Settlement in North Lincolnshire. Oxbow Monograph 61, 383-5. Two 2nd C. shoes, a carbatina with textile stiffener and a calceus; also a frag. of probable late Iron Age leather. |
Friendship-Taylor, D. | 2003 | XVI. Leather', in Mark Germany, 'Excavations at Great Holts Farm, Boreham, Essex, 1992 - 94'. East Anglian Archaeology Report 105, 190-192. Heritage Conservation, Essex County Council. Two Roman shoes and leatherworking evidence, 1-2 centuries AD. |
Gansser-Burckhardt, A. ed. | 1942 | Das Leder und seine Verarbeitung im römischen Legionslager Vindonissa, Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft pro Vindonissa 1, Basel |
Goodfellow, A. V. and Thornton, J. H. | 1956 | Romano-British Shoes in the Guildhall Museum, London(complete, printable online version: |
Gopfrich, J | 1986 | Romishe Lerfunde aus Mainz', Saalburg Jahrbuch 42 |
Gräf, J. | 2015 | Lederfunde der Vorrömischen Eisenzeit und römischen Kaiserzeit aus Nordwestdeutschland [Leather finds of the Pre-Roman Iron Age and Roman Imperial Period from north-west Germany], Studien zur Landschafts- und Siedlungsgeschichte im südlichen Nordseegebiet 7, Rahden/Westfalen |
Gräf, J. | 2008 | Die Lederfunde aus dem Thorsberger Moor' in A. Abegg-Wigg and A. Rau |
Gräf, J. | 2008 | Schuhe aus dem Moor - Schuhfunde im Landesmuseum für Natur und Mensch Oldenburg' Museumsjournal Natur und Mensch 2008/4, Oldenburg, 53-70 |
Gräf, J. | 2009 | Die Schwertgurte aus dem Thorsberger Moor' [Sword belts from the Thorsberg peat bog] in A.W. Busch |
Gräf, J. | 2011 | Die Entwicklung der Gerberei am Übergang von der Spätantike zum Frühen Mittelalter' [Tannery development at the transition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages] in T. Panhuysen |
Gräf, J. | 2015 | Die Lederfunde aus dem Thorsberger Moor' in C. von Carnap-Bornheim |
Greene, E.M. | 2018 | Footwear and fashion on the fringe: stamps and decoration on leather and shoes from Vindolanda |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. | 1975 | Romische Lederfunde aus Vindonissa und Valkenburg Z. H., ein Vergleich', Jahresbericht Gesellschaft ProVindonissa 1974, 62-84(includes Vindolanda footwear) |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. | 1963 | Een romeins lederen schildfoedraal uit Valkenburg |
Groenman-van Waateringe, W. | 1967 | Romeins lederwerk uit Valkenburg Z.H., Nederlandse Oudheden II, Groningen |
Hald, M. | 1962 | Jernalderens Dragt, Nationalmuseet Copenhagen |
Hald, M. | 1963 | Udhugne Oldtidssko', Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, 16-30(ed), The Production and Distribution of Roman Military Equipment, BAR International Series 275, Oxford, 43-81 |
Howard, P. | 1972 | Camboglanna: Birdoswald Fort on Hadrian's Wall, Huddersfield, 9, 23, 46 |
Charlesworth, D. and Thornton, J. H. | 1973 | Leather found in Mediobogdum, the Roman Fort of Hardknott', Britannia 4, 141-152, pl. xxi-xxiii |
Jacobi, L. | 1897 | Das Romerkastell Saalburg, Hamburg |
Jay, E. and Hall, J. | 1990 | The Tale of London Past, London, 12-13, 20 |
Keily, J. | 2011 | ‘Leather’ in Hill, J. and Rowsome, P. Roman London and the Walbrook stream crossing: excavations at 1 Poultry and vicinity, City of London, MOLA Monograph 37, Part II, 540-557(Bulletin of the Egypt Exploration Society) 33, Autumn, 18-20 [a preliminary report, beautifully illustrated, which describes footwear from Roman, early Christian and Ottoman levels. These include leather shoes, wooden pattens and sandals made from basketry and palm leaves/fibres.] |
Keily, J. | 2001 | ‘The Roman Non-Shoe Leather’ in T. Brigham and A. Woodger, Roman and medieval townhouses on the London waterfront: excavations at Governor's House, City of London, MoLAS |
Keily, J. and Mould, Q. | 2017 | ‘Leatherworking in South-Eastern Britain in the Roman Period’ in D. Bird |
Keppie, L. J. | 1975 | Finds of Leather' in Scott, M. and Keppie L. Bar Hill: A Roman Fort and its Finds, British Archæological Reports 16(eds) Roman Castleford I, The Small Finds, Yorkshire Archaeology 4, Wakefield, 285-334 |
Leguilloux, M. | 2004 | Le cuir et la pelleterie à l'epoque romaine, Editions Errance, Paris |
Leguilloux, M. | 2006 | Les objets en cuir de Didymoi. Praesidium de la route caravanière Coptos-Bérénice. Praesidia du désert de Bérénice III, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Cairo |
Liversidge, J. | 1968 | Britian in the Roman Empire, 129-131(ed) Military Equipment and the Identity of Roman Soldiers, Proceedings of the Fourth Roman Military Equipment Conference, BAR International Series 394, Oxford, 51-66 |
MacConnoran, P. | 1982 | Leather Footwear' in Wilmott, T. 'Excavations at Queens Street, City of London, 1953 and 1960; and Roman Timber-lined Wells in London', Transactions London and Middlesex Archæological Society 33, 55-61(4th century footwear from the Roman fort at Cuijk on the Meuse) |
MacConnoran, P. | 1986 | Footwear' in Miller, L; Schofield, J. and Rhodes, M., The Roman Quay at St. Magnus' House, London, London and Middlesex Archæological Society Special Paper No.8, 218-226(ed) In the Saddle. An exploration of the saddle through history, London, 1-20 |
MacConnoran, P. | 2001 | , ‘The Roman leather shoes’ in Brigham, T. and Woodger, A. Roman and Medieval Townhouses on the London Waterfront: Excavations at Governor’s House, City of London, MoLAS Monograph 9, 99-105 |
MacConnoran, P. and Nailer, A. | 2007 | , ‘Leather items’ in Bowsher, D., Dyson, T., Holder, N. and Howell, I. The London Guildhall: An archaeological history of a neighbourhood from early medieval to modern times, MoLAS Monograph 36, 479-486 |
Macdonald, G. and Park, A. | 1906 | Roman Forts on the Bar Hill, Dunbartonshire, 101-106(Chesterholm): Roman Fort and Civilian Settlement, Frank Graham, Newcastle. |
MacGregor, A. | 1978 | Roman Finds from Skeldergate and Bishophill, York Archæological Trust, 50-54(ed) Inveresk 1996-2000, Edinburgh, Scottish Trust for Archaeological Research, 159-163 |
Marshalleck, K. H. | 1959 | Romisches Schuhwerk an Rhein-und Scheldemunding(R) thesis, University of Glasgow. The thesis can be read online or downloaded for personal, non-commercial research or study by following this link: C.Douglas_MPhil_Thesis |
Matthews, C. L. and Hutchings, J. B. | 1972 | A Roman Well in Dunstable', Bedfordshire Archæological Journal 7, 30-31(ed) Roman Military Equipment: the Sources of Evidence, BAR International Series 476, Oxford, 281-318 |
Mayes, B. | 1994 | ‘The reconstruction of a leather tent’, Exercitus |
McCarthy, M. R; Padley, T. G. and Henig, M. | 1982 | Excavations and Finds from the Lanes, Carlisle', Britannia 13, 84(eds) Een Romeinse Rijnaak, gevonden in Utrecht-De Meern. Resultaten van het onderzoek naar de platbodem ‘De Meern 1’, Rapportage Archeologische Monumentenzorg 144, Amersfoort, 236-242 (Shoes belonging to the skipper of a Rhine barge which sank around 180, includes well preserved furniture and a chest containing woodworking tools) |
McCarthy, M. R. (ed) | 2000 | Roman and Medieval Carlisle: The Southern Lanes. Excavations 1981-2, Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, Research Report 1 |
McIntyre, J. and Richmond, I. A. | 1934 | Tents of the Roman Army and Leather from Birdoswald', Trans. of Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archæological Society N.S. 34, 62-90(2018), 153-157. |
Metcalfe, A. C. and Longmore, R. B. | 1973 | Leather Artefacts from Vindolanda, 1972-73' in Doughty P.S. |
Miller, L. B. and Rhodes, M. | 1980 | Leather' and 'Leather Footwear' in Jones, D. and Rhodes, M. Excavations at Billingsgate Buildings 'Triangle', Lower Thames Street 1974, London and Middlesex Archæological Society Special Paper 4, 95-128(eds) De Gouden Helm uit de Peel. Feiten en Visies, Heemkundevereniging Medelo, 33-51 |
Miller, S. N. | 1922 | The Roman Forts at Balmuildy, Glasgow |
Montembault, V. | 1990 | Une chaussure en cuir d'époque gallo-romaine', Catalogue de l'exposition: A la recherche de ses origines, Mazières-en-Mauges de la préhistoire à l'epoque romaine, 24(Zuid Holland)', Helinium 3, 253-258 |
Montembault, V. | 1997 | The collection of the Egyptian Department of the Musée du Louvre: primary results of the study', ICOM 1995, working group 10, Interim meeting on the treatment of and the research into leather, in particular of ethnographic objects, Amsterdam, 36-90 |
Montembault, V. | 1998 | The leather finds from Rouen and Saint-Denis' in Cameron, E. |
Mould, Q. | 1990 | The leather objects' in Wrathmell, S. and Nicholson, A. Dalton Parlours Iron Age Settlement and Roman villa, Wakefield, West Yorkshire Archaeological Service, 95-7. Roman shoes, including complete child's sandal, from a well, used from later 3rd - late 4th C.(1993-2016)' in Ivleva, T. et al.(2018), 143-152. |
Mould, Q. | 1988 | Two Roman shoe fragments from Sedlescombe', Sussex Archaeological Collections 126, 231-2.(ed.), Waffen in Aktion (ROMEC XVI): Proceedings of the 16th International Roman Military Equipment Conference, Xanten 2007, Xantener Berichte 16, Mainz, 115-120 |
Mould, Q. | 2006 | ‘The Roman Leather’ in Butler, J. Reclaiming the Marsh: Archaeological Excavations at Moor House, City of London, Pre-Construct Archaeology Monograph 6, 26(2018), 159-167. |
Mould, Q. | 2018 | Another piece in the jigsaw: the leather from a Roman well at Tollgate farm, Staffordshire, UK' in Ivleva, T. et al. (eds) Roman Crafts, London, 179-193 |
Mould, Q. | 1991a | Non-shoe leather' in Austen, P.S. Bewcastle and Old Penrith: A Roman Outpost Fort and a Frontier Vicus Excavations 1977-78, 185-212, 218-9, 223-4. Tentage. |
Mould, Q. | 1993 | The leather' in Woodward, P.J; Davies, S.M. and Graham, A.H. 'Excavations at Greyhound Yard, Dorchester 1981-4', Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph Series 12, 189. Roman shoe frags. and leather from 19th C pit. |
Mould, Q. | 1997 | Leather' in Wilmott, T. Birdoswald: Excavations of a Roman Fort on Hadrian's Wall and its successor settlements 1987-92, English Heritage Archaeological Report 14, 326-340. Shoes, tentage and namufacturing waste from ditch fill dating from 2nd-4th C. |
Mould, Q. | 2007 | ‘The leather’. In Brady, K., Smith, A. and Laws, G. ‘Excavations at Abingdon West Central Redevelopment: Iron Age, Roman, Medieval, and Post-medieval Activity in Abingdon’, Oxoniensia 72, 107-202 |
Mould, Q. | 2009a | ‘Leather Objects’ in Lawrence, S and Smith, A. Between Villa and Town. Excavations of a Roman Roadside Settlement and Shrine at Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, Oxford Archaeology Monograph 7, 251 |
Mould, Q. | 2009b | ‘The Roman Shoes’in Howard-Davis, C. The Carlisle Millenium Project: Excavations in Carlisle, 1998-2001. Vol 2: The Finds, Lancaster Imprints 14, 831-841 |
Mould, Q. | 2010 | ‘Leather shoes’ in Bennett, P., Riddler, I. and Sparey-Green, C. The Roman Watermills and settlement at Ickham, Kent, Archaeology of Canterbury: New Series No. 5, Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 207-211 |
Müller, G. | 1979 | Durnomagus. Das Römische Dormagen, Köln, 24, 25, 27 |
Padley, T.G. and Winterbottom, S. | 1991 | The wooden, leather and bone objects from Castle Street, Carlisle: excavations 1981-2', in McCarthy, M.R. The Roman Waterlogged Remains And Later Features at Castle Street, Carlisle: Excavations 1981-2, Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Research Series 5, fasicule 3, 228-243 |
Price, E. G. | 1983 | Frocester Court Roman Villa, 3rd Report, 1980', Bristol and Gloucester Archæological Society Transactions 101, 54-55, 59, 64-65, 69(eds) Opgravingen in Geldermalsen-Hondsgemet. Een inheemse nederzetting uit de Late IJzertijd en Romeinse tijd, ACVU-HBS, Amsterdam, 854-6 (secondhand Roman military leather used in a native rural settlement) |
Rhodes, M. | 1980 | Footwear' in Jones, D.M. Excavations at Billingsgate Buildings 'Triangle', Lower Thames Street, 1974, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Special Paper 4, 99-128(Early 5th century shoes from Wijster) |
Rhodes, M. | 1985 | Roman Quay at St. Magnus' House - additional items of leather, Department of Urban Archæology Archive Report NFW 74(Ostalbkreis). Die archäologischen Ausgrabungen von 1976 bis 1979 Stuttgart, Theiss Verlag, 2008, 218-223 |
Rhodes, M. | 1984 | Bucklersbury House: the Roman Leatherwork, Department of Urban Archæology Archive Report |
Rhodes, M. | 1986 | Leather Objects' in Miller, L; Schofield, J. and Rhodes, M. The Roman Quay at St. Magnus' House, London, London and Middlesex Archæological Society Special Paper 8, 211-217 |
Rhodes, M. | 1987 | Inscriptions on leather waste from Roman London', Britannia 18, 173-181 |
Richardson, K. M. | 1959 | Excavations in Hungate, York'. Archæological Journal 116, 51-113(Hominidenmoorfunde) I, Göttinger Schriften zur Vor - und Frühgeschichte 5, Neumünster |
Sheldon, H. and Schaaf, L. | 1984 | Rescuing the Past in Southwark, Southwark and Lambeth Archæological Excavation Committee(eds) Leather Tanneries. The archaeological evidence, London, Archetype, 69-83 |
Schlabow, K. | 1961 | Trachten der Eisenzeit, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Schleswig-Holstein 5, pp 25, 31-33 |
Swann, J. M. | 1973 | Shoe fashions to 1600', Transactions of the Museum Assistants' Group 12, 14-24(eds) Roman Frontier Studies 1989, Exeter, 367-372 |
Swann, J. M. and Metcalfe, J. | 1975 | Roman Shoes from Lynch Farm', Durobrivae 3, 24-25(includes Vindolanda footwear) |
Thomas, M. C. | 1981 | Finds of Leather' in Breeze, D. J; McIvor, I. and Thomas, M.C. 'Excavations on the Antonine Wall fort at Rough Castle, Stirlingshire, 1957-61', Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 110, 274-278 |
Thornton J.H. | 1977 | Leather Footwear', in Blurton, T. R. 'Excavations at Angel Court, Walbrook, 1974', Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archæological Society 28, 67(eds) TRAC 98. Proceedings of the eighth annual theoretical Roman archaeology conference, Leicester, Oxford, 131-140 |
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